
Kitty Ears Hat

:updated 3/22/2011
 This is a project I have been working on for a little bit. It is actually for my niece for Christmas (she's a toddler, hence why the hat looks streched, it's not supposed to go on an adult)
Pattern (only my 2nd so critiques welcome)
Notations: size 7 Circular Needles or Double points... whatever your most comfortable with.
Cast on 32 30 apparently I miscounted.. I created the pattern after the hat was completed.
Join (it's made from the top down)
Knit in Round for 6"

Ribbing Pattern: K3, P3
Pattern around for 1"
Stay with pattern. (Mark Direction)(You will be making short rows.. it is confusing.  This or this should help)
Pattern for 3 sections, Turn
^Pattern for 6 sections, Turn (ignore all other sections, leave on needles "Reserved Stitches")
*Pattern till end, Move 1 stitch to reserved, Turn, pattern 1 stitch, remove to reserved stitches*
Repeat ** until only 1 stitch is left^
Continue pattern in original direction until 3 sections after center of opposite side, Repeat ^^,
Continue pattern in original direction for 2 rows, Bind off.
Sew Top Closed.
Satin Stitch Triangles in pink yarn for ears (see Pic), Sew ears closed (see pic), adjust ear "height" based on head size.
Cut 24" strips of yarn (about 6 per side) pull halfway through ear flap points (see pic), Braid, Knot off, trim Tuft ends and fluff.

In other news. I'm 10 weeks as of yesterday. I'm getting a cute little bump :)


  1. I am so excited for you and your hubby! Congrats! Hope you had a great Christmas!

  2. LOVE the kitten hat! WIsh I could read knitting patterns. I feel like an idiot when it comes to knitting. I can do scarves and dishcloths, but that's pretty much it!

  3. What part has you confused? maybe I can help? just let me know! :)


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