
A Case of Happy

Friends are the best
When Lil' C got big enough that we cold hold him we started to introduce fun stuff.  We brought in books and some toys.

Is there a baby in there?
His language development is right on track
There are some toys that we have now that would have been nice to have then.  Things to encourage tummy time for one.  Such as this gator tummy toy and this froggy mat and mini "boppy" we have now.  Lil' C still hates being on his belly and it is causing issues with crawling.  He is more than likely going to skip crawling,  and go right to walking. 
He also loved using the swings that our NICU had from a lovely organization called Rocking Mamas that donated them as well as came in and rocked the babies whose own mom's had to be away for what ever reason (work, siblings, another hospital, etc).  You may want to ask your NICU if they have a similar program. Lil' C never needed them to rock him, cause I was there to do it, but they stopped by and said "hi" and I got to chat with them when they would rock a neighbor baby.

Can You see all the toys?

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