
Guest Post at Rediscovering Domesticity!

Rediscovering Domesticity is a blog I have been following for awhile now.  She is such a sweet person and has some great features.  I love reading her Bloggy Basics for one!  Yeah yeah... I started my blog AWHILLLLLEEEEE ago but I haven't put much effort into it until recently...  so I'm still kinna a noob!
She asked me a bit back to do a guest post about Breastfeeding in the NICU.  It started as one.. and morphed into 3!  The first of which is up today! The first one "Breastfeeding in the NICU: an obtainable goal" is our breastfeeding success story.  So go check it out,  and while your there check out some of her other features! 
And to all of Rediscovering Domesticity's readers checking out Frog in Stitches for the first time.. WELCOME!!
Here is some of my other NICU posts!
Breastfeeding in the NICU
Pumping Queen
Comfort Babies = Not worth the effort


  1. Hi, Krysta!
    I found you via Audra's RD blog. Your story there reminded me of a friend who had a 1 pound baby girl 35 years ago. The baby was in the hospital a long time. Her mother's ring could be put up (the baby's) her leg to the thigh.

    One day the mother showed up at the hospital to hold her baby and couldn't find her in her crib. She went to the front desk and the Dr. was standing there with the baby in the top chest pocket of his white coat. The baby was wrapped in a little blanket and peeking out of the pocket. The baby girl grew up to be a model for magazines.

    Obviously in those days, things were less strict on handling the babies that were born early. Yes, the story was true...amazingly so! If a Dr. did that today I imagine he would be before the medical board.


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