
DIY vannilla :)

If you have been reading my blog for long you know that I love DIY... I have another one for you!   DIY Vanilla "Extract"!

What you will need....
3-4 vanilla beans
1 small bottle of vodka
1 Med-large bottle of vodka

Take the vanilla beans and splice them down the middle.  Drop them in the small vodka bottle and shake.
Make sure the vodka completely covers the beans.  Store the bottle in the dark for a few weeks,  until the vodka turns dark brown.  Use it as you would any other vanilla extract.  Use the larger bottle of vodka to re-fill the small bottle after each use, make sure that the beans are never sit exposed to air so that they do not mold.  I have been using my vanilla for years and have a friend that has been using hers closer to a decade.
Now... if for some reason you don't want to use liquor.... you can replace the vodka with vinegar. :D

More DIY:
Dish Detergent
Window cleaner
both of the above also have more links for many many more cleaners as well :D Check 'em out if you haven't before!

Make sure you check out the comments on the Dish Detergent, there is a FANTASTIC link for laundry detergent by one of my commenters!  :D

I got my beans from Rainbow Grocery but if you need a link... You can go here to get your beans!


  1. i made my own vanilla coke syrup before with sugar water and vanilla beans. YUM! i was shocked bc i wasnt expecting a dired stick (bean) i was expeciting like a (pinto) bean . hahah Hey! Ifound you on A Helicopter Moms Alexa hop! It has lowered my Alexa score greatly by people hopping back to mine! So I am sharing the comment love! Won't you share some back with me?
    Locomotion of Expressions
    PS _ I also have a ton of great low entry giveaways for all sorts of things if you dig through my archives on the right sidebar AS WELL AS a linky you can add your giveaways to there is a grab button code for it, if you have a linky compilation list! TY so much! Hope to run into you again in this great big BlogOSphere in the near future! Have an awesome day!~

  2. I've never heard of making your own vanilla extract! How interesting that you use vodka!!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  3. Wow! I had no idea you could do that. Following from Sumo‘s Sweet Stuff link party. Would love to have you link this up to my {wow me} wednesday link party going on right now over on my blog. Hope to see you there.



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