
My Boys...

But Mommy... I don't wanna wake up for breakfast...
It has been a few long weeks here at the pond... My boys are.. well boys. 
Hubby is still looking for a job, Lil'C is finally learning to scoot.  He can now move all the way across the kitchen. :) 

Hopefully he will be really crawling and walking very soon. 
They are figuring out "rough & tumble" baby games to play together.. mostly it is a game of toss in the air.   Or Hubby will lay on the floor while Lil'C sits on his neck and beeps his nose... repetitively.
We have also realized why Lil'C doesn't like to eat with spoons.. apparently they are to slow.  He prefers to "drink" his meals.  He only wants to drink his food right out of the jar.  Hubby tend to feed him now and he will even hold hubby's hand so that he won't take the jar away.   It's rather funny to watch.

Well I hope ya'll all had a fantastic weekend :)
What do your boys do?


  1. hi, what a cute blog! I' stopping by from the Alexa hop!
    come by say hello!

  2. What a cutie! I'm a follower stopping by from the Alexa Hop. Would love for you to stop by my blog :)

  3. Thanks ladies! I'll have to check out yours too!


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