For all the mom's who either know ahead of time that they will have NICU time (high multiples for example) or those, like me, missed/canceled/postponed their own shower due to being on bed
rest or Pre-term labor/delivery. This is going to be a list of great in-the-NICU or post-NICU items for whenever someone asks "what can we do" or "what do you need?" you will have somewhere to send them :)
In the NICU:
Receiving blankets- the cuter the better! They can be used in the NICU and beyond!
Snap front outfits- for once little one is out of the isolates/warmers
another great place for NICU and post NICU cuteness! by a preemie parent for preemie parents!
Boppy/covers- great positioner in the NICU and all the usual uses at home.
Moby Wrap- can be used for kangaroo care and nursing, since few NICUs are private spaces.. Even if in a single room (RARE!) there are still nurses and Drs popping in and out randomly. Afterwards they make great carriers and keep baby close which makes nursing easier, baby less exposed to others (most people keep the "adult" social distance instead of the in-the-face "little baby" distance like with strollers and car seats), calmer and easier to deal with. (DIY Pattern)
Crib toys- we had a few that clipped to his bed but I wish I had had this gator toy so that we could have worked more on his tummy skills.. These will vary depending on how long they are there.We did use our bugs though!
Passifiers- cute for those big enough to use them, and specialty for the tiny ones like the Wee-Thumbie that my sister got my so when he was still very small. (why they are in the list)
Tiny Cloth diapers (if your planning on using them)- reciving blankets/flannel can be used as inserts. Cloth may help lower the risk of asthma which is already high in most NICU kids. Micropreemie, Preemie, Newborn, Above (this brand fit my 4lb 13oz daughter)
Friends- at least that is what we called them. We taped passifiers to the back of their
heads, Wub-a-Nubs are the pre-made version.
For Post-NICU
Ring sling- like the Moby but the easier option for babies who have head control and easily toss in the diaper bag. Seriously... Our carseat never left the car. Some people prefer Ergos and other soft structured carriers. The ones to watch out for and avoid are those that face out and put the weight on the crotch, which can cause hip development issues. The weight should be on the bum/thighs. Think sitting straddled on a railing vs. Sitting in a chair. (My DIY pattern)
Always make sure you are safe when babywearing!
For Mommy:
Mommy milk storage bags- go through a TON of these.
Pump car charger- one of those nice things to have because sometimes you have to travel.
For the family:
Gift Cards- to any local-to-the-NICU eatery or just a Visa/Master Card or just cash in general. These really come in handy, hospital food gets real old, real fast plus the bills they had before don't stop.. Even if Daddy has to go back to work or like my hubby.. Had to quit to be with us since it was in another state.
Think of any thing I missed?
*Disclaimer- Many links go to affiliate sites (amazon to be specific) so I can potentially make money, I still don't suggest things that I don't believe in or haven't used.
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